Long time no blog. Here we are again, I'm currently sitting in Green Tortoise Hostel in Seattle! I love Seattle, it is similar to Vancouver for me, but I like Seattle a lot better. I don't know, I didn't like Vancouver as much. I also think it's our location in Seattle that is great, it's right beside the Seattle Public Market and within walking distance of almost everything. Perfect :) I spent a little bit too much money...which I really didn't plan on...but I couldn't help myself (which is still no excuse,haha.) Also...there are about a trillion Starbucks here, there are three in one small mall...that's just stupid. Delicious but stupid.

We have done quite a bit in the last few weeks I must say...I'll start at the beginning then. So just after we left Twin Creeks we went to Camp Kawakwa, and spent a week there. It's quite nice we get wifi! They don't really like us there that much though, a few unfortunate events happened that included breaking a couch and pushing one up against a radiator thus...burn holes. Awkward. So to apologize we are having a work day for them when we return for a week after we leave Seattle tomorrow. Within that week at Kawakwa we had a few birthdays! Including MINE! I'm finally 18, it's about time gee wiz. Anyways it just so happened that that day we had a special activity planned, we were going Caving! Exploring caves...which is super cool, and scary. I'm sorta claustrophobic...and it was cold and wet and scary...Haha. It wasn't what I expected, I expected big caves and just roaming through them. They were tiny little things that you somehow all managed to get into and you pretty much just explored the caves that were created from huge rocks falling on one another. So, I did end up leaving a bit earlier with some of the other claustrophobic people. But, it was a really cool experience...and who else can say they went caving on their birthday!

After that we went to Camp Squeah only about 30 minutes from Camp Kawkawa, for the all sites conference. So all the sites except French Africa ( because it's only a one semester program for them, and they are currently in Eastern Africa) got together for about 4 days. Something super special about this week was that since the beginning of the program we had been planning to do a Flash Mob at the conference! I was the choreographer, and we had been working on it for weeks and weeks. Somehow, (let's not talk about the reasons why...) but word got out the other sites. Site 2 thought it would be funny to do one too....and do it on the first night we got there. Obviously...this made me all mixtures of heartbroken and angry. That dance is like my baby, and they just stole all of it's thunder. Anyways after a while I forgive their site, a lot of people in our site really disliked site 2. And I wanted to find a way to mend that relationship ( to he honest, site 2 brought the dislike for them on themselves) so we decided to do our Flash Mob at the last moment possible and have a big dance party at the end will all the sites! So that's what we did, it was really awesome, and site 2 did a great job...but ours was admittingly better. :)
Also at all sites we had different activities, along with sessions and worship. We had an absolutely awesome speaker, his name is Bruxy Cavey and he pastors a church near Toronto. He described himself but saying "Some people say I have a face like Jesus, and a body like Buddha". He spoke on stuff that I could really connect with, he taught about "NO RELIGION, KNOW GOD", pretty much just all about the relationship, no religion. I love that, because that has been my philosophy for years, everything he said make me think and made me laugh. He was beyond funny, and I ended up sitting in the "hot seat" every session, right in the middle right in front of him. So whenever he needed someone for an analogy it would be me! It was SO FUNNY. One time it was about being a stalker. He explained this elaborate story about stalking me, and how he thought we were close and how he took pictures of me and my house and sat in the bushes and sometimes call my phone just to hear me say hello. Haha, super creepy, and funny. Then he alluded to God, and that God has stalkers, people who read their bibles, know everything about him, and think they know him. But God doesn't know them, God will and does have stalkers. A real relationship is needed. It's a simple as that.

And now we are here in Seattle at the end of our weekend, we volunteered at different out-reach centers, I went to a food bank and helped people carry out their items. It was actually a really interesting concept for a food bank, it was more like a grocery store type set up. There aren't pre-made hampers but rather boxes of food and people stationed with them, clients come in a choose what they want. It was a lot more personalized and I'm sure gave the clients more dignity. We went to visit two different churches in the matter of 24 hours, they were SO different. We went to Mar Hill downtown, and it was so trendy with crazy jazz music and a really young crowd. Then the next morning we went to a co
nservative Mennonite church, we sang out of old hymnals and the congregation is vastly older people. Super cool cultural experience. Today was a free day and I went to the EMP, or the Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame.Check er out baby! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experience_Music_Project_and_Science_Fiction_Museum_and_Hall_of_Fame
This is getting long! So I digress...but guess what? There is only 17 days left in semester one! Crazy!
What A Big Pencil :) |
More Caving...Looking smokin. |
First Starbucks Ever! |
Space Needle! |
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