Why Howdy Partner. It's been an awful long time. I do believe in my last post I confessed to procrastinating updating this stinkin thing, and once again I will confess...apparently I just tend to forget that I have a blog...thus it doesn't get updated. Shoot.
Anyways, a lot has happened in the last...well over a month. Including my trip to London, in which I tried to write a blog post on the plane ride home, however the man beside me bobbing to sleep and jerking awake again proved to be much more entertaining. So here I am, a view days before we set sail off to the land of Africa!
I'll start off by describing the last month at the beginning...but don't worry I won't draw it out too much. The ride home to Winnipeg from Banff was generally good, we made the best time out of all the sites! We decided we were all racing, however...I don't believe any other site new about it. Just us. We won anyhow and arrived at CMU at about 10 o'clock. Tim Horton's toilet paper sucks, rest stops were less than satisfying for my tooshie. ( I'm a horrible speller so tooshie took me a while to spell, so I attempted to use the thesaurus for the word bum hoping tooshie would pop up....it didn't....but these did. Derrière, Rump, Fanny, Posterior, Hindquarters, Keister, Ha. Funny) I made it home safe and alive, and happy to see my family.
After about an 8 hour flight ( that was supposed to be nine!) I was in London, thanks to the Nyquil, earplugs, extra blanket and pillow I brought I was slept like a baby for almost the whole flight. Jessie, Keaston, and Mrs. Jessie's Mum met me at my gate. London is really a great place, I enjoyed myself so much. Jessie and Keaston are just about the best couple there can be, and third wheeling it with them was a pleasure :P I saw everything I wanted to see, and more. We did museums, a day trip out to the sea side at Brighton, seeing Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Westminister Abby, and we even met The Queen! ( Well, not really...a man dressed up like the Queen taking pictures with tourists for money...) Driving on the wrong side is just plain absurd. Silly silly people, when we did drive with Jessie's Mum I feared for my life so many times, Jessie's Mum was a great driver...but the roads are sooooo skinny and you feel like every car is going to hit you. Oi. London really gave me a taste of what I would be experiencing in Africa. I found being in a different country to be much more exhausting, and straining. Obviously jet lag got me a little, but getting used to using different currency, using adapters, and a whole whack of other things was a hint of what I'm in for.
After that amazzingg trip of a lifetime, I jumped on a plane once again and got back to Canada. It was so comforting to be home again, even just landing in Winnipeg looking through the window and seeing snow, and tons of little ice rinks with tiny little people playing hockey. In London there are few ice rinks, because it doesn't get cold enough, so many people don't know how to stake because they just don't get the opportunity. The rinks they do have fill up quite quickly, and it's a deal trying to buy tickets. But here in Winnipeg people make them in their backyards for goodness sake, almost everyone knows how to skate. ( or like me...knows how but sucks royally!). Home for
Now I'm here, a couple days before I leave, slowly packing things and adding them to the pile. I went to Lush and got bar shampoo and conditioner, and two different kinds of soap for my trip,they are a lot easier to travel with was may thinking. ( I tried them out today, and I smell like a vegan dream) I got a new large backpack to replace the one that was stolen, to sum up I have almost everything I need. I'm going to friggin Africa. That's bonkers.
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