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September 12th
Real quick I’ll explain how most things work, we are staying at camp Arnes at the moment, and yesterday after the program at CMU we all piled in to two 15 passenger vans and one mini van and headed over here. There are about 7 or fewer girls in a cabin, and there are 3 cabins of girls. There are about 12 boys I do believe, there are 30 students, so 12 boys and 18 girls. Yes math!! We have sessions that start at 9 every day, quiet time, then lunch. That’s all I know right now, it’s only the second day… Every Sunday night we have ANCHER time, which is an acronym for
A= Announcements
N= News
C= Concerns
H= Humorous
E= Encouragements
R= Reflection
We were handed out our reading assignments this morning, six books! I’m super excited; I’m forced to read…which I usually avoid at all costs. The books seem really neat oh, I’ve heard of half of them. Two we have at home, and one I think the guys group at my church studied it. Irresistible Revolution, which we have two copies at home already, and now my own! Also The Adventures of Missing the Point my mum has, and opened up a chapter for me to read that had a really great option on homosexuality. Which is a “issue” that I feel really close to as a Christian, excepting and loving people for who they are no matter what. Even though I don’t think it’s right, that doesn’t mean I can’t love and except them for it right?
I’m so far really enjoying myself and I’m super stoked for this next year. I do feel however, like the baby. I’m used to being at camp and being one of the oldest counselors, and I naturally take a leadership role and feel…old. I’m one of the youngest students, and I’m pretty sure the youngest in my cabin. Even though it doesn’t really matter it just feels a little weird, and my confidence level or aspect of my personality is hiding a little. It’s getting better as I feel more comfortable with the people around me, I just don’t want to be seen as the baby…. so I guess I should stop feeling like it and more or less acting like it!
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