September 14th
Kay well it’s almost dinner so this won’t be long, but I would like to enter today was the first day I had some for reals homesickness. I knew that there would be ups and downs in this program, but I’m not as comfortable as I could. I understand that’s the whole point of the program, but it’s hard to be away from my mum. I called her and cried a little (well... lot). I miss that lovely woman. I understand how my friend Jessie feels when she moved to England, away from almost everyone she knows and at that point where things just suck. Jasmyn gave me a present before I left and it was by far the best present anyone could have given me, except my mum. My mum always wins. Anyways there is a story behind it before I explain her gift. At Silver Bay Bible Camp where we counsel together, sometimes there are homesick campers. Just like any bible camp with young kids I’m sure. Anyway, we like to ease the pain with a “Homesick Pill” which is just a “Tum”. The bottle of Tums is all dresses up with a nice new cover that says “Homesick Pills”. They always work. So if you haven’t already guessed she got me some homesick pills, which really came in handy this afternoon. Thank you Jasmyn. I love you.
Later on that day….. Haha, yeah I just did it. So we just went skinny -dipping. SO COLD. It wasn’t even the cold really, just the fact there were thousands of rocks! My feet hurt so flippin bad it’s not even funny. I didn’t even get hardly wet because my feet were falling off, no joke. However, I really started connecting with people today, after my slight freak out. I really got more comfortable in my own skin and started being more me, which is great. I love that. : )
September 16, 2011
Kay Well, today is the day we travel to Pioneer Camp in Ontario, in which the canoe trip takes place. There is three nights that we will be sleeping in tents out there in the boonies. Which oddly enough I’m happy about, all I have is a yoga mat to sleep on…I brought an air mattress. But that’s not what they want you to bring, it’s way tooooo big. Soo, I borrowed a yoga mat. Not the most comfortable thing in the world, and we will have very little clothing, and it’s all super shoved into our bag, like almost impossible to take it out. Well, I guess this will be fun. I also have to pee and poo no less outside. Scary. Our departure time was pushed back from 9 to 11. I had enough time to shower, (Again, but this time it was hot) and get myself mentally freaked out for this experience. ( WHAT A MESS!---> Packing is not easy!)
I know it will be fun, and I also know it will stretch me, which I want (I suppose). That is what this whole program is about, yes? So I guess I should look to it less of a burden and more of an adventure. A turn out my mum is in Gimli about week from today and said she can drop by some things if I needed and going out for lunch! I’m going to give her some of my useless things I don’t know why I brought, and trade them in for more sweaters and a warm vest. Woo hoo. Awesome, I’ll have a little more variety then two sweaters. It’s also may more stupid cold than I thought it would be, so I will also trade in some t-shirts for long sleeves. Awesome : )
The canoe trip in a tech blackout, so for the entirety of being at the pioneer camp we will have no access to phones, music, or computers. Which, I must say isn’t too much of a biggie, I do believe I can handle it!
Well, I must go soon. It’s almost time to jump in the giant van for close to 5 hours, as far as I know.
Well, I must go soon. It’s almost time to jump in the giant van for close to 5 hours, as far as I know.
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